(New England's dry winters take their toll on Brooke's nose.)
Brooke started playing clarinet when she was 10. After playing around with the bassoon, oboe, trombone, and other cool instruments, she finally settled on clarinet as her principal. But, being musical can be sometimes hard to contain, so by the time all was said and done, she'd added recorder, guitar, piano, trumpet, percussion, and her (monster) set of beloved saxophones to her 'quiver'.
And she howls on the tenor.
A born again Christian for almost 40 years, Brooke has played across the country in symphonies, worship bands, theater pits, pick up teams, and loves to play everything from jazz and blues to high praise with a worship team. Brooke would rather play than eat.
Brooke started teaching when she was 17 and still in high school. She enjoyed it then, and she enjoys it now. Her goal is to train a student to the point where they can out play her. As she's not encumbered with a formal education in how to do that, she's goes with her gut, adjusting her teaching to the needs and styles of her students. The Plan works. Many have gone on to be not only professionals themselves, but teachers, too.
By the way, in addition to the arts, Brooke also loves dogs. Labs in particular. Oh, look. There she goes now, walking the next door neighbor's golden retriever.