About Mildred

Boy, it's windy out here.

Hi!  I'm on my way to a Baroque Recorder Ensemble rehearsal.  I finally found a recorder in my favorite color, Opera.  With that to carry, and one sheet of music, I should be there in five minutes.

Yeah, if the wind would let up.

Anyway, Brooke has written several stories about me and my very best friend, Lily (who is a big green frog).  Brooke met us about three years ago, and now we go just about everywhere together.  Well, 'just about' is true, because neither Brooke nor Lily know how to fly.  Silly.  It's so easy.

Except when the wind fills up with rain and throws it at you!

Well, I'm almost at practice and landing with a recorder is kinda sketchy.  So, hold for a moment while I concentrate on that...

Oh, eek.  Blown to the left again.

Anyway, if you'd like more about me, click on the link to Brooke's Art Blog. There you'll find more about me, and (one of) my favorite topics: ART.

Oh, oh. No. NO!  Oooooooooops.